Search results for References by colbert, e.h.
Colbert, E.H.; Morales, M., 1991. Evolution of the vertebrates: a history of the backboned animals through time, 4th ed. New York, John Wiley and Sons and London, Chapman and Hall Ltd., pp. i-xiii, 1-479., pp. i-xvii, 1-470


Colbert, E.H.; Hooijer, D.A., 1953. Pleistocene mammals from the limestone fissures of Szechwan, China. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 102: 1-134, pls. 1-40, figs. 1-42, tables 1-59


Hooijer, D.A.; Colbert, E.H., 1951. A note on the plio-pleistocene boundary in the Siwalik series of India and in Java. American Journal of Science (249) July: 533-538


Colbert, E.H., 1942. Notes on the lesser one-horned rhinoceros, Rhinoceros sondaicus, 2. The position of Rhinoceros sondaicus in the phylogeny of the genus Rhinoceros. American Museum Novitates 1207: 1-5, figs. 1-3


Colbert, E.H., 1938. Fossil mammals from Burma in the American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 74 (6): 255-436


Colbert, E.H., 1935. The proper use of the generic name Nestoritherium. Journal of Mammalogy 16: 233-234


Colbert, E.H., 1935. Siwalik mammals in the American Museum of Natural History. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society NS 26: 1-401, figs. 1-198


Colbert, E.H., 1934. A new rhinoceros from the Siwalik beds of India. American Museum Novitates 749: 1-13, figs. 1-5
